A Unicorn meets Batwoman
Heidi Piiroinen
Halloween Berkeleyssä. Naapuri puki minut yskisarviseksi. Kauko, 3, oppi heti uuden lauseen englanniksi ja juoksi ovelta ovelle huutaen trick or treat. Kyösti, 3, ei jaksannut kantaa omaa karkkikassiaan. Kuulemma liian painava…
Shameim the Batwoman: ”Halloween to me represents being what you want through self expression. It gives you the opportunity of being free to be a: pancake, cartoon character, dictator, or even a object. It’s fun to play a part in society surrounded by people with the same objectives of fun, family, friends, candy, and surprises. It’s one of the only days aside from New Years and sporting events where people are just happy and strangers can come together and it’s designed for the whole family. For me Halloween is awesome! ?I picked Batwoman because like wonder woman it’s empowering. Sexy, detective, and can definitely save the world!!”
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